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DigiFarm or CORS?
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Posted 1/30/2025 21:35 (#11081575 - in reply to #11081175)
Subject: RE: DigiFarm or CORS?

The cost of using the CORS network is just the cost of hardware and whatever it costs to get internet to your tractor (usually cellular data)

I am one of the guys that did the DIY autosteer system. I use the Michigan CORS network. The subscription to a state run CORS network is generally free, unless some states charge for CORS that I am not aware of. I have a SIM card in the tablet in the tractor that costs $10 per month from Verizon. You would need that as well if you were using a modem to supply NTRIP to a commercial system. I figure $120 a year for a SIM card is the equivalent of my RTK subscription as I don't do anything else with the tablet.
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