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DigiFarm or CORS?
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Posted 1/30/2025 21:12 (#11081559 - in reply to #11081175)
Subject: RE: DigiFarm or CORS?

It can be as cheap or reliable as you want it to. You can run it through your phone or tablet which is a data plan you already have, or you can buy a dedicated modem that can run a couple hundred a year.

I currently use DigiFarm into my Deere systems btw.
A few years ago, I had a DigiFarm Beacon 3.0 and was able to run one of my Trimble systems on a neighboring state's CORS through my phone. The border is too far away to be used, but it proved to me it worked. That setup would have cost $800ish for the beacon, the rest I already had.
However, I used DigiFarm through the phone and found it to be very unreliable, so I switched to the Elevate modems. Much more reliable, and didn't drop signal every time I went into a low area, someone called me or my OS decided to close the app because it was consuming too many resources.
I've since switched all the precision equipment to Deere, but kept DigiFarm rather than going SF3 or newer because they've worked very well for me.
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