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Getting Started - Survey/Leveling Equipment Needed?
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Posted 1/30/2025 23:12 (#11081642 - in reply to #11081162)
Subject: RE: Getting Started - Survey/Leveling Equipment Needed?

NE South Dakota Clark, SD
Have you tested the vertical accuracy over an extended timeframe of the CORS network? If not, do that first or plan for an in field base. Minimum of 24 hour log so you can plot the amount of elevation change. You may find after a couple hours, that no further logging is required as it moves too much.

GPS antenna receiver will have to be RTK unlocked. Minimum GPS and Glonass.

I have been around scrapers for quite a few years working with ditching, but I am not aware of what an auto-ejector is? Can you show an example?

If buying a used system, is there support available? If not beware. Be prepared to pay for support time.

Best of luck on your project.
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