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AL steering compatible with Trimble ?
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Posted 1/30/2025 05:57 (#11080412 - in reply to #11079829)
Subject: RE: AL steering compatible with Trimble ?

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
cyclones30 - 1/29/2025 18:03

Round Prairie Farms - 1/29/2025 17:57 No they cannot. Sorrythe only things that interchange are when AL and trimble were working together. Edge and maybe versa?

Way back in the Insight days. That's a long time ago but a few still out there. Likely on their 3rd touch screen 

The simple answer to the question is No. Your InCommand will not work with a Trimble Nav II.

The first Ag Leader CAN display was called the Insight. It has been out of production for many years. At that point in time, Ag Leader offered several unlocks for various features. One unlock allowed an Insight to communicate with a Trimble Nav controller for auto steer. This allowed Ag Leader customers a way to get into auto steer. The advantage to Ag Leader was that they did not need to produce a steering system of their own and could concentrate their efforts on their display.

This was my fist exposure to auto steer. I had a Deere 8120 with an Insight unlocked for auto swath, multiple product and auto steer, Trimble GPS 332 with an OmniStar unlock, Trimble Nav II, an external steering valve and the associated plumbing and wiring. This worked well.

Later the agreement between Ag Leader and Trimble broke off. This meant that it was no longer possible to purchase the auto steer unlock for an Insight. The units that already had the unlock continued to work with the Trimble Steering controller. Customers were given a warning that they should purchase the unlock prior to the cutoff date. After that date, no new steering unlocks were available.

The idea of a steering unlock no longer exists for any Ag Leader display after the Insight. Ag Leader then partnered with other Auto Steer companies to offer a steering choice with their products. Most recently Ag Leader has started producing their own auto steer products. One is called Steady Steer, it is the assisted steering style where a motor turns the original steering wheel for you. The other is called Steer Command Z2 and ties into the vehicles steering system either hydraulically or through the vehicle CAN system.

The newer Ag Leader displays such as your InCommand will not work with a Trimble Nav II. Switching to an Ag Leader SteerCommand Z2 controller would be an excellent choice to work with your InCommand. The Steady Steer assisted system works very well also.

I have Steady Steer in my combine and Steer Command Z2 in my planting tractor. I am happy with both systems.

Edited by tedbear 1/30/2025 11:28
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