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What end and pin out to change a trimble 750 power harness to the fm1000?
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Posted 1/30/2025 14:12 (#11081108 - in reply to #11079637)
Subject: RE: What end and pin out to change a trimble 750 power harness to the fm1000?

Paxton, IL
I made an adapter pigtail to go from the 750 harness to the 4 pin for the FM1000. That way I could use either my 750 or 1000.

The wires are just power and ground. Not much to it. I forget the part number off the top of my head, but if you just wanted to put the 4 pin connector on, I think they are the same series connector. So you might just need the appropriate 4 pin connector and wedge lock. I think you could just pull the pins out of the 6 pin and put them in the correct location on the 4 pin without crimping new pins on. If you have extra wires on the 6 pin connector, I think they were just redundant and could be folded back and tapped if you wanted.
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