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Adding central vac to existing house
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Posted 1/14/2025 06:39 (#11055248 - in reply to #11054518)
Subject: RE: Adding central vac to existing house

Melancthon, Ontario
Installed lots of central vac systems.
Advantages to a central vac unit- big bag doesnt need changing often. Unit is usually in the garage or untility room so isnt noisy in the house. Most have better suction than portable units, and if you want you can buy a 240volt model than will suck the carpet off the floor.
Retrofitting one in a 2 storey is a real pain. Likely need to cut the floor up somewhere, especially if you need more than 1 outlet upstairs. If your basement is finished; good luck, you'll be busy patching holes.
Most people after a while hate lugging the hose around. I have showed up to an new house for a service call, call was just for the husband (couple in their 80's) to tear in to me about how it took 2 of them to move the hose around. Guess the boss sold them on the fact that is was easier than a regular vaccuum (which they arent)
Did a "fancy" one for some wealthy folks where each outlet had its own hose that got sucked back in to the wall when you where done, so you only had to carry the powerhead and wand around.
Ive thought of putting one in just to have the toe kick sweep, pretty handy not using a dustpan just sweep stuff into the vac.
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