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So are paradymes going to be toast in the next 6 to 18 months?
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Posted 11/19/2023 18:42 (#10488540 - in reply to #10485448)
Subject: RE: So are paradymes going to be toast in the next 6 to 18 months?

If GLONASS is turned off will there still be an issue if the internal clock runs out? I emailed with ag leader tech support this summer and in a nutshell they said they'd don’t foresee an issue at the time but if something happens or changes in the future there may not be anything they can do about it to resurrect a unit or keep them from being bricked. They did think they would be able to know an issue was coming if there should be one, that was a concern for me as I didn’t want to be caught without in the middle of planting
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