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So are paradymes going to be toast in the next 6 to 18 months?
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Posted 11/15/2023 11:12 (#10482951 - in reply to #10482931)
Subject: RE: So are paradymes going to be toast in the next 6 to 18 months?

Jeffersonville, OH
Forgot about the leap second deal, probably because no one KNOWS what is going to happen, so I filed that in the back of my skull LOL

Being a dealer I get tired of servicing 10+ year old systems that don't "work like they used too" The Paradyme is one of the few that actually does work as good as it used to, but the Trimble and Topcon stuff that sees 6 satellites and cuts in and out all day drive me insane.

Technology does not have an infinite life span, and some companies FORCE you to upgrade it by turning things off. 10 years on electronics is an eternity for trying to service and repair it, as suppliers come and go that make components in those markets CONSTANTLY. Let alone the software aspect of it, and if the different types of languages used in writing code for it...what was modern language for a Paradyme may be used by a fraction of programmers in 2023.

I know none of this for fact, just speculation from my experiences supporting farm equipment electronics since 1993 when we got the first controller on a tractor
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