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Anyone seen a 5.9 Cummins survive the killer dowel pin?
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Posted 7/3/2023 09:52 (#10299336 - in reply to #10296647)
Subject: RE: Anyone seen a 5.9 Cummins survive the killer dowel pin?

Jeffersonville, OH
Had a 1995 for years, had 203K on it when I bought it, had 385K on it when I sold it. From 240K to 360K it had 2 turbo's and was never less than about 450hp with a Dual disc clutch...long about 335K or so I was heading home from a drag race, and I started hearing a rattle when I pushed the clutch down...nothing major, throwout bearing, so I just stopped using the clutch to get me home. Couple weeks later I pulled the clutch, and throwout was fine, clutch fingers looked good, couldn't figure out what was wrong, so I started pulling the clutch apart. Went to take the PPA off, and I noticed the flywheel moved back towards me when I pried it off.

Ended up finding the crank would move better than an 1/8" forward and back, so I dropped the pan. All that to say this, in the pan I found the rear thrust bearing, a lift pump push rod someone dropped in there, and the KDP. Never had an ounce of oil leaked from the front cover (only place it didn't leak I think), or any other issues up to that point. While it was apart, I put the pin back in with an updated timing cover, an aftermarket camshaft, and some other goodies...crank was fine with new thrust bearings.

How it never chucked the gears I don't know, but I was lucky either way. Remember, the internet knows about it, but there were already a Million of them on the road before most ever found out about it...tons of them never saw any issues, but those that did got on the internet and told everyone LOL

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