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T40 tender
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Posted 4/16/2023 15:33 (#10188829 - in reply to #10170167)
Subject: RE: T40 tender

Southern Missouri
I’ll try to get some pics tmmrw of what we rigged up this winter and are really happy with it so far , it’s a 20 ft open trailer , a heavy one , four totes and rigged agitation and easy switching , using Milwaukee 18 volt pumps , one on agitation and one pushing hot mix to drone , built a 4 by 8 by 7 tall storage on rear corner of trailer to put t 40 in and all the charges and coolers etc go in there too , I looked at enclosed rigs all winter and after using the drone on 500 acres or so am really happy being able to reach around and jump around just anywhere we want to,we are only doing our own work so it’s in our shop every night , that makes a difference, son ordered refrigerator slider for an RV and mounted in floor of little storage room behind the door opening, slide it out , put drone on it and slide in in , that really works good , pictures would help and I’ll get some more and post

Edited by sloughclub 4/16/2023 15:47

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