Schochoh Ky | Sorry for the late reply had a meeting tonight. Mr. Martin is about 15 miles from us , a super nice man , don't know if he will be there. Our area is approved in a watershed draining to the Mississippi and there is a lot of funding available if you can only get People to participate.Lots of guys on the fence, wondering what to do.Now is the time , while there is cost benifets from nrcs. We are 100% cover crop behind double crop soybeans that will go to corn in thirty days,around April 1.We have a 50-50 rotation, corn , wheat/dc soybean.So all acres are green right now.Our rye has had 2 tons of layer litter on most of it.One experiment I am trying where there is no litter, is applying 10 gallons of 28% ,when we top dress wheat the first time. Hope to get a lot more growth on the rye and also see if the nitrogen will cycle back into the corn in July. We get really hot here by July and I hope the rye will shade the ground.We just got to figure out how long we can let it grow , without costing us yield loss. I know it would be easier if corn was 3 bucks, just lots to loose if you make the wrong decision.
Would love for you to come and share some thoughts or just see what we are doing . | |