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Next generation farmers? How is it possible?
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Posted 11/18/2024 15:06 (#10972512 - in reply to #10972371)
Subject: RE: Next generation farmers? How is it possible?

Either they need to make more money or the owners need to sell it for less. Not many people willing to sell for below market rate. What's considered affordable for someone starting out?
If you had an 80 that could sell for $15,000 at auction and you sell it to a young guy for $10,000 that's a $400,000 cut to your retirement... and hopefully they could cashflow $600+/ac payments.

Most have to rent or have a great off farm job, (plus a wife/family that's open to their husband working "in town" and long after work hours on the farm...), or a wife with an off farm job but then you'll need to find childcare.

Also, if you don't have some land, paid for equipment, or someone to co-sign a loan to start out with, getting enough equity at the bank to get through lean years starting out can be tough...

If you don't have much starting out it takes a lot of sacrifices to get any traction. And a good bit of luck and helpful landlords/neighbors goes a long way too.
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