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Replacing Air compressor on 855 Cummings
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kb ag
Posted 10/7/2018 19:44 (#7032493)
Subject: Replacing Air compressor on 855 Cummings

nc ks
I have a 89 fld120 that the air doesn't pump up very fast on. Put a new regulator on it and it didn't help. Sometimes the air buzzer is still on after the truck has been started and idling for 20 minutes. You have to increase the rpms a bit to get it to pump up and it is slow. No big air leaks. Suspecting it is the compressor. How hard are they to swap out?
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Posted 10/7/2018 19:51 (#7032514 - in reply to #7032493)
Subject: RE: Replacing Air compressor on 855 Cummings

Pierce county WI
A whole lot of little air leaks add up. Is the compressor pumping oil? Not hard to change, but you need a compressor wrench.
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Posted 10/7/2018 19:57 (#7032537 - in reply to #7032493)
Subject: RE: Replacing Air compressor on 855 Cummings

Saline County, Mo
Check the charge line coming off the compressor for leaks. It only sees air when the truck is running and then you can’t hear it leaking
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Posted 10/7/2018 20:02 (#7032553 - in reply to #7032537)
Subject: RE: Replacing Air compressor on 855 Cummings

+1. If you can, unhook the discharge line from the compressor and adapt shop air to that line. That way you can air the truck system up without the engine running, and you can hear.
Also, while doing that, soapy water sprayed on that line and any others may be a big help. I have seen that line the above poster is talking about leak faster than the compressor can make air at an idle. Check the small lines to the air governor as well. Also, make sure the purge valve on the bottom of the air drier is not leaking.
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Posted 10/7/2018 20:13 (#7032591 - in reply to #7032493)
Subject: RE: Replacing Air compressor on 855 Cummings

east central Indiana
On the older cummins the compressor is timed to the engine, the fuel pump is not. Like the other poster said you should have a special wrench.
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Ohio Tim
Posted 10/7/2018 20:41 (#7032687 - in reply to #7032591)
Subject: RE: Replacing Air compressor on 855 Cummings

If it a single cylinder compressor it must be timed.
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Posted 10/7/2018 23:39 (#7033030 - in reply to #7032493)
Subject: RE: Replacing Air compressor on 855 Cummins

I replaced one on a 855 this spring. Not to hard pretty straight forward really. I took a starter wrench and bent it several times and had to grind a few spots on it to take the back bolts out. They are the toughest part.
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