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Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?
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Posted 1/16/2018 20:21 (#6510559)
Subject: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Central Iowa
I am in the market for a 72"+ brush cutter. I want to cut up to 7" trees or so. I see a MTL on eBay for like 4000. Is there anything else out there I should consider?
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Posted 1/16/2018 21:24 (#6510735 - in reply to #6510559)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

I have a 24" dymax. It is bad to the bone on cedar trees. I also have a smaller off brand that's 12" out on a pole about 6' in front of the mount for cutting branches and such. I use them both.
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ge jr
Posted 1/16/2018 21:31 (#6510754 - in reply to #6510735)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

algona iowa
diamond mower works great
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Posted 1/16/2018 21:42 (#6510772 - in reply to #6510754)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Second on Blue Diamond.
I got a 60 inch brush cutter.
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Posted 1/17/2018 19:22 (#6512700 - in reply to #6510754)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Have a standard flow diamond, it is amazing, zero issues
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Posted 1/16/2018 22:20 (#6510851 - in reply to #6510559)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Love my CID extreme mower. Almost identical to MTL. If you have the third hose hookup (case drain) on your skidsteer, spend the extra $500-600 bucks for the direct drive piston motor vs the two hose motor with 90 degree gearbox. Night and day difference in amount of torque for a few extra bucks. I believe it is the MTL XCT model on their website.

Edited by rjw 1/16/2018 22:49
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Posted 1/17/2018 04:41 (#6511010 - in reply to #6510559)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Heart of Ohio

bankshotone:  We bought one out of Mississippi as I recall, priced similar to what your looking at from MTL, it is galvanized and just a heavy built chopper really. We cut up to 4" branches and trees with it and have been satisfied. Bushwhacker was the company I think, it's been awhile. I recently bought a root grapple from Quick Attach, they are in Minnesota and American made. They have a huge selection of skid loader attachments and I thought their brush cutters looked impressive. I would also suggest giving them a call before deciding by on line price quote, the grapple was a fair amount cheeper than online quote for some reason. Email good if you have more questions. Good luck !

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Posted 1/17/2018 05:14 (#6511021 - in reply to #6511010)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Frederick, Md
My uncle has the quick attach mower and demo'd the diamond.....after seeing them in action Diamond ain't much IMO. He has a Bobcat A300 with high flow, and that quick attach is a bad mother! I used it cleaning up fence rows, and old locust posts are the only thing that made it bark.
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Posted 1/17/2018 05:40 (#6511034 - in reply to #6510559)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

central - east central Minnesota -

bankshotone - 1/16/2018 20:21 I am in the market for a 72"+ brush cutter. I want to cut up to 7" trees or so. I see a MTL on eBay for like 4000. Is there anything else out there I should consider? Thanks

When looking at brush (and tree) cutters - smaller is better. There aren't any skid steers made that can handle a 7 inch tree without stalling out as you are mulching it down. I too favor Diamond, as they stand behind their products and I've used several different brush cutters over the years. Diamond was on top. The other brand up there on top is Brushwolf by Cross-tech corp. They were one of the first to build a brush cutter in the industry.

When you are talking 7 inch trees - and especially 7 inch or larger trees, a blade type mower isn't going to hold up. It'll take some down, but, it's going to beat the crap out of it and there will be damage and expense  . . . . . .
Those sized trees need a forestry type head - (look at Diamond's forestry head).

For heavy brush - 72 inch or 66 inch would be the widest I would go.



(Cat Brushcutter.jpg)

Attachments 20160824_102720.jpg (396KB - 535 downloads)
Attachments 20160824_103507.jpg (383KB - 598 downloads)
Attachments Cat Brushcutter.jpg (90KB - 583 downloads)
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Posted 1/17/2018 06:36 (#6511100 - in reply to #6510559)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Check out Jenkins Iron and Steel, best bang for your buck when I purchased last year. Couldn't beat them for price and standard options that others either don't offer or are very pricey.

Their unit is a floating design so it takes some of the jarring action off of your skid steer boom. Also have slots in deck so you can mow right up to a fence post or tree.
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Posted 1/17/2018 21:35 (#6513170 - in reply to #6511100)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Northeast Ohio
Yes what eth555 said. I bought a Jenkins mower this summer and really like it. I think it's a good cutter for the money.
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Posted 1/17/2018 07:12 (#6511157 - in reply to #6510559)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

I have a 84” blue diamond extreme duty or whatever they call it. The disc that the blades attach to weighs like 900 lbs. Lots of inertia to power through brush without slowing the blades. It is a beast.

I can’t imagine a 4K cutter being that good. When I did my research before purchasing all the good ones were twice that it more. These things take a beating you don’t want to cheap out and get something that won’t hold up.
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Posted 1/17/2018 11:34 (#6511627 - in reply to #6511157)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Tree Terminator in Missouri makes a brush unit called a slasher. It's been pretty good for the price point. If doing over again. Diamond would be the first choice
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Posted 1/17/2018 12:26 (#6511746 - in reply to #6510559)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

East Central Saskatchewan
Does anyone have a bobcat one?
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Posted 1/17/2018 18:32 (#6512544 - in reply to #6510559)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Southern Lower Michigan
If you are going to do a lot of heavy brush , and trees, check out a Bradco Ground Shark. They are on the higher side, but built heavier than others.
They have a round blade carrier.
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Posted 1/17/2018 22:42 (#6513333 - in reply to #6510559)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Leesburg, Ohio
We looked at several different brands, many mentioned here, before we bought an 84" Diamond brand last year. (Not "Blue diamond")

We run it on a Kubota svl90 tracked skid loader, 90hp, with high-flow. It will chew up a 10" tree trunk easily. Much heavier built than any other brand. I don't see it coming apart any time soon.

We went with the 7' size so it clears a path wider than the skid loader.

A forestry type head will do a nicer job mulching than a bush-hog type, but be ready to spend $25k instead of $6-10k. Ours was about 10.
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Posted 1/18/2018 20:38 (#6515571 - in reply to #6513333)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Clarksville, IL
ive got a FAE forestry head it came with my ASV RC100 i bought wanted a fecon but this came with if so far like how it works it has a door we can close to really mulch stuff up like that part better than the Fecon.

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Posted 8/24/2018 15:22 (#6947959 - in reply to #6515571)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Do any of you guys do this as a custom business?
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Posted 6/19/2018 08:40 (#6821199 - in reply to #6510559)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Sorry , I just ran acrosss this message asking about Cutters and the best bang for the buck !!

We have 7 cutters and have tried, Skid Pro, Diamond, Blue Diamond, CID, Bushmaster, Wolfe - while I am no expert on cutters by any means I can tell you some major differences we have found running our crews with multiple cutters on each crew.

1. Just because a cutter costs more does not mean it works better
2. The direct drive models are far superior to the old gear box models
3. The double carrier (flywheel) models are the best we have seen

The Diamond Rotary mower with 3 blades is a very well built pc, we used it for a year or so building our company. But about 4 years ago we tried the MTL XC7 cutter in a 72" Cut 3 blade - double flywheel design.
It out performed, all our other cutters to the point that we have now after 4 years switched over and running 7 of the MTL cutters

We have 4 of the MTL - XC7 cutters - Direct drive with 3 axe style blades - we constantly cut sapplings and brush 4-6 " diameter
We have 2 of the MTL XCT cutters ( they do a better job with some of the limbs and branches on mulching the debri up, we have taken down up to 10" pines in the GA area with them)
and we just got the new XC8T with the 750 lb round double flyhweel - 4 blades and the carbide tipped teeth - this thing is a beast !!!!

In over 4 years using the MTL cutters I will say this , we have yet to have a motor failure. and for the price I can buy 2 of them vs a diamond.
I will say the closest we have seen to the performance thus far has been the CID Extreme direct drive and the Virnig V60

Any of the cutters with the curve in the blade like the skid pro, blue diamond etc, they were little more than a glorified brush cutters, and struggled on larger diameter limbs and branches. Look for straight axe style blades, look for a double carrier flywheel (it wont flex like a single pan style) and look at the price - because not all cutters are equal.

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Posted 6/19/2018 12:31 (#6821702 - in reply to #6821199)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Central Iowa
I concur. I ended up buying a mtl, I have logged maybe 25 hrs so far running it and I really like it. I looked at buying a diamond. I contacted 2 of the john deere dealership that sold them (same company) both offered a price and was about $1000 difference for the same machine. Either way I'm not spending lose to 10k on a brush cutter. I have cut some unbelievable stuff with my mtl and would reccomend it to anyone looking.
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Posted 7/10/2019 17:22 (#7607353 - in reply to #6821702)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Hi, which mtl brush cutter did you end up buying and how happy are you with it? I’m looking very seriously at mtl and ready to pull the trigger but I’m not sure if the cat,or xc8 would be best . I have a 75 hp Takeuchi Tl10 high flow that’s rated at 32 gpm. I really like the features of the xc8 but am a little worried about that extra 4th blade as far as hydraulic power loss between the cutter and drivetrain. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
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Posted 6/21/2018 12:47 (#6825816 - in reply to #6821199)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

How does the xc8t compare to piston xct? Same torque. Was thinking of going with one.

What business do you run with all those cutters?
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CAT 279D
Posted 3/1/2019 08:37 (#7351702 - in reply to #6821199)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

Hi, I new here and Looking for reviews on the MTL XC8T brush cutter. Good and bad
Also good and bad on the MTL XCT
Looking to buy one or the other just not sure witch one to buy.
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Posted 1/25/2020 16:35 (#7999596 - in reply to #7351702)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

central iowa
CAT 279D - 3/1/2019 08:37

Hi, I new here and Looking for reviews on the MTL XC8T brush cutter. Good and bad
Also good and bad on the MTL XCT
Looking to buy one or the other just not sure witch one to buy.

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Posted 5/18/2020 11:13 (#8264827 - in reply to #6821199)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?

American_Built - 6/19/2018 08:40

Sorry , I just ran acrosss this message asking about Cutters and the best bang for the buck !!

We have 7 cutters and have tried, Skid Pro, Diamond, Blue Diamond, CID, Bushmaster, Wolfe - while I am no expert on cutters by any means I can tell you some major differences we have found running our crews with multiple cutters on each crew.

1. Just because a cutter costs more does not mean it works better
2. The direct drive models are far superior to the old gear box models
3. The double carrier (flywheel) models are the best we have seen

The Diamond Rotary mower with 3 blades is a very well built pc, we used it for a year or so building our company. But about 4 years ago we tried the MTL XC7 cutter in a 72" Cut 3 blade - double flywheel design.
It out performed, all our other cutters to the point that we have now after 4 years switched over and running 7 of the MTL cutters

We have 4 of the MTL - XC7 cutters - Direct drive with 3 axe style blades - we constantly cut sapplings and brush 4-6 " diameter
We have 2 of the MTL XCT cutters ( they do a better job with some of the limbs and branches on mulching the debri up, we have taken down up to 10" pines in the GA area with them)
and we just got the new XC8T with the 750 lb round double flyhweel - 4 blades and the carbide tipped teeth - this thing is a beast !!!!

In over 4 years using the MTL cutters I will say this , we have yet to have a motor failure. and for the price I can buy 2 of them vs a diamond.
I will say the closest we have seen to the performance thus far has been the CID Extreme direct drive and the Virnig V60

Any of the cutters with the curve in the blade like the skid pro, blue diamond etc, they were little more than a glorified brush cutters, and struggled on larger diameter limbs and branches. Look for straight axe style blades, look for a double carrier flywheel (it wont flex like a single pan style) and look at the price - because not all cutters are equal.

I often use NAT archives when I want to buy a new piece of equipment. In researching for reviews on a brush cutter from MTL I ran across this thread. I think it deserves mentioning that the author of this response registered and made one post and then was gone and hasn’t logged in since. Another peculiarity about the author is that he shares the same name of the guy that you will get if you call the number on their website.
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John K
Posted 5/18/2020 12:47 (#8264994 - in reply to #6821199)
Subject: RE: We run the Virnig V60 on a JD 333E high flow cal.

East Central Kansas
Don’t have a lot of hours on it, no issues. It is a beast. Think we paid around $10 k for it several years ago from our local cal CAT dealer
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Posted 5/18/2020 22:21 (#8266158 - in reply to #6821199)
Subject: RE: Skid steer brush cutters. Best bang for the buck?


American Built
I bought a Diamond and have used it one summer  on a Equip program ( NRCS pasture renovation program .It is a 60" mounted on a Case CX240 trackhoe My neighbor has a smaller one on his skid steer. He said he has problems with the motor mount bolts working loose.I checked mine and they need tightened also. Is this an issue with Diamond or all this type cutters ? I know they take a lot of shock load .Maybe I just need to keep on eye on this area.What are your thoughts. I think mine has in the 40 to 45 GPM flow. I usually start at the top of larger trees at an angle and work down.Larger to me is 10" to 12" base. Mostly 4" to 6" limbs overhanging the perimeter of fields.It works great on smaller brush 6" and smaller.I purchased from a major construction company dealer in the mid west.Never again !! Had an inexperienced person install it.
Thanks for your earlier input.

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