Dan Loehr - 1/24/2024 19:17
DBindiana - 1/24/2024 16:34
Dan Loehr - 1/23/2024 21:03
SW Indiana here
We’re making another pass with 100# of AMS this spring
Have the capacity to apply ATS with planter would probably use 5 gallons if using ATS 30” rows we used ATS 3 years back
We’re guessing we’ll pay the estimated extra spreading cost $5 an acre ( our spreader we pick up at terminal) with extra yield we think over ATS
No proof except what I’ve read in research
We’re convinced we need the S on our low OM soils
Add I’ve talked to the experts AMS is considered a little more sure than ATS of increased yield —depends on environmental factors and depends on the expert
Look at the research Mohr— power posted
Just was at a meeting today don't think you're getting your money back. In fact, ATS had a better yield gain on early planted beans.
Heck I can be wrong we don't do SXS and if we did do SXS every year is different
Pretty loose use of "in fact" wish I was so sure ATS would be easy
Hope we're getting our money back ...........guess we'll never know
Just telling you what the numbers they had said. I like the ATS because we're making a burndown pass anyway and just adding to that. Makes it super easy.