WC Iowa | In the last year there has been alot of talk on here about HID conversion kits. For many of you this is new and confusing, it is hard to compare different companies by their web pages. You never really know what you have until you get it. This will be season 4 with HID conversions for me. I have tried many brands and colors. Here are some comparison pics of different lights that I have laying around. The lights go as follows from left to right... VisonX 4601 HID (7000K), JW Speaker 9710 HID (4100k) (off of a JD 4730 Sprayer), VVME 35w 4300k, DDM Tuning 35w 4500k, Xentec 35w 5000K (all of the last three in the same Speaker flood light housings). I run all VVME 4300k kits on our equipment and that's all i put on others machines too. I'm not saying that DDM doesn't have a good product but once you have tried the other HID lights i think you would find that for a few bucks more the VVME kits are worth it, thats just my personal opinion. The reason I like them is VVME kits are cheap, reliable, and almost identical to the factory HID on the tractors and they are not blue like other kits. Some of you might like the blue and thats fine, but I hope you can see there is a difference between HID kits. You will be able to see the differences in the light color. This will also show the variability between HID companies on how they rate the color temperature of their lights vs what they really are. The biggest thing I noticed was that the DDM 4500k bulb is more blue than almost even though it should be one of the whiter lights. At the bottom I will put links where to get the products I am showing. Any questions feel free to email me and I will help you any way I can. I was also wondering if there would be much demand if i had different types of light kits made up ready to install that were for sale for NAT users, just a thought since I have kits and light housings laying around and if i could make it easier for a few of you the time would be worth it.
This Picture shows the VisionX, Speaker HID and the VVME 4300K on. The Speaker and the VVME are basically identical in color and light output.
Speaker HID, VVME 4300k - DDM 4500k (right) its much more blue
VVME (left) DDM (right)
VVME 4300k left Xentec 5000k right
VisionX 4601HID
Xentec 5000k
DDM 4500k
VVME 4300k
Speaker HID
Speaker HID and VVME 4300k on together - identical light
On the left is the DDM ballast the center is Xentec ballast, to those who are looking at VVME kits that is the same as the "normal ballast" or DDM this would be the new "raptor" ballast, also this is the same as www.mobilehid sells. Left is the VVME slim ballast, when to take them apart they are basically identical to DDM ballast. I still like the "normal" ballast just because of the one piece setup with shorter wires and the igniter is built into the ballast box not a separate small black box like you see on the slim ballasts. Most of what I install and use on mine and others are the slim ballast, they claim the life expectancy is higher on the slims.
DDM kits
VVME kits
(Always email them with a list of what you want for a quote on kit prices- lately I have been getting slim ballast kits for around $60 with 3 day shipping)
Speaker HID
Speaker light housings
The 4x6 high performance oval takes a 9005 bulb kit and the 3x5 high performance oval takes a 880 bulb kit
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