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Dawn vs. Martin closers pics
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Posted 4/26/2013 21:59 (#3065119)
Subject: Dawn vs. Martin closers pics

There seems to be a lot of discussion on closing options. I thought this might be of interest. I am planting twin rows so the row 7" to the left of the drag chain is the Dawn curvetine and the right is 15" Martins with drag. Long term no till, beans last year, perfect planting conditions. The Martins seem the make the soil more crumbly and soft, the Dawns pack it a little. Both seem to be doing a good job at the moment.

(2013-04-26 18.23.37 (1280x948).jpg)

(2013-04-26 18.23.25 (1280x720).jpg)

Attachments 2013-04-26 18.23.37 (1280x948).jpg (115KB - 91 downloads)
Attachments 2013-04-26 18.23.25 (1280x720).jpg (89KB - 95 downloads)
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