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ADM & Aflatoxin
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Posted 9/10/2012 23:36 (#2585313)
Subject: ADM & Aflatoxin

EC-IL. Local elevator (ADM) is testing every truck for A-toxin. Every truck, every load, every time. It sucks. We were shelling a field just a 1/4 mile from the elevator, and it took 2 hours and 15 min for me to dump. All of our loads have tested 0 PPB! Wish they would let us dump without testing until we at least finish the field that is testing 0. It takes approx. 10 min to test each load. There is another elevator within 15 miles that is not testing for it. I will be going there very soon. Maybe ADM will get a hint once they start losing a bunch of bushels. I wont be the only one, several ADM customers are hauling to different elevator. Sorry for the rant. Oh and by the way, not sure if the doc is the same for all elevators, but ADM is charging 10% shrink on a load that has 20-50ppb. 20% for 50-100ppb, 30% for 100-200ppb, 40% for 200-300ppb, and wont accept anything over 300ppb. They are cashing in on this and will just end up blending it.
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