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Pictures from France agriculture and fellow NAT member
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Zach in Ala.
Posted 10/17/2009 15:42 (#888750)
Subject: Pictures from France agriculture and fellow NAT member

I have had the chance to visit France this week. The country side is beautiful. Also, meet fellow Ag talk member "Etienne" and got a chance to see his farm. Very nice. Etienne's farm is one of the more progressive in France. He has larger equipment like we have in the US and autosteer.

 A few notes: No-tillers beware it has not made it across the ocean due in part to GM being outlawed. I felt like I had gone back 20 year when everyone plowed ground around here. I have never seen so many 100hp tractors with 4 bottom flip plows. Also, the wheat seeders are unlike anything I have seen in the US.

Ask any Q?


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1st picture is Etienne and me. I have on the orange Deere cap.



Edited by Zach in Ala. 10/17/2009 16:53













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