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May be getting sued for chemical runoff, your thoughts?
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Posted 6/5/2013 20:38 (#3139886)
Subject: May be getting sued for chemical runoff, your thoughts?

West Central MO

Ok, so I have a neighbor that his wife was diagnosed with stomach cancer last year and this year he supposedly had kidney cancer.  They have both been cleared of that and are healthy now.  Problem is... they had some doctor tell them that their cancer had to have come from ag chemicals.  I farm the ground next to their house (probably 75 feet away, its the house my parents used to own).  When they purchased the house, an easement went with the house to a well in the field.  Our farm was farmed long ago, then in CRP for 20 years.  After taking it out of CRP I have farmed it for 5 years.  Normal rotation of corn and soybeans.  We have always applied the label reccomendation of all chemicals.  Their house has been on rural water and they told us they quit using the well 5 years ago.  HOWEVER, my sprayer operator saw the wife videoing him while spraying the field beside their house/well the other day (the well is covered and still has the tower on it so we have only been farming one side of it, cant spray over the top of it).  They have told some other neighbors that they have contacted a lawyer and he is drawing up papers.  Im just guessing they are going to claim atrazine runoff?  Oh by the way, the husband told us a few years ago that he was cleaning himself now and was going to get off the meth and booze, thats no joke.  Should we be concerned???

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