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Wheat condition, NE CO pics.
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Posted 4/20/2013 22:16 (#3051389)
Subject: Wheat condition, NE CO pics.

Took a road trip today to retrieve a recent auction purchase and snapped a few wheat pics along the way.

The route was east on 34 from Greeley to a few miles south of McCook NE. On the way back we came up 6 to Sterling and west on 14 to 85. 550 ish miles.

If I didn’t screw up down loading the pics from the phone, they are in order of the trip.

The area has received recent moisture but at this point things don’t look good.

Edited by Radiehl 4/20/2013 22:29











Attachments trip.jpg (27KB - 98 downloads)
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Attachments 11.jpg (37KB - 99 downloads)
Attachments 12.jpg (26KB - 95 downloads)
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