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im 56 and have stage four lung cancer...need advice
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Posted 4/9/2013 12:31 (#3022542)
Subject: im 56 and have stage four lung cancer...need advice i got your attention.....i have been comin to this site for years.....i dont post much...have made a few replies....but it is good to read all the diferent ways you guys approach things....all of you have a view point .....

on feb 2 of this year..after at least a year of changes in my health( no energy....not much ambition....wearin out after a six hour day....aches and pains.....i went to a doctor on feb 2....

i didnt have a regular dr......( dumb move on my part) he found out rite quick that i had a heart blockage....and a mass in one lung.....

on feb 13 i got a stent put in my heart artery (70 percent blocked ) and went home...

on march 25 was back to hosp...for a lung biopsi

cancer was confirmed.......oh and my lung collasped at hosp......thre days later i was sent home and my lung collapsed again

i rode a life flight helicopter back to hosp..

after a pt scan they found cancer in my left hip

so i am startin radiation therapy on me for the next 3 weeks....

now heres my point to this...
the survival rate on this is 3.5 percent.......yes.....3.5 percent..

so i guess i really...realy need to hope for the beat and prepare for the worse...

so...imma on here knows it should make it easier to give me you opinions

and i have a lot of questions that i would like to git feedback on

i cant decide if i want to be in a coffin or cremated....

should i sell off all my trucks ...trailers and tools now,,,,,and pay down my wife wont need to deal with it

should i keep payin my credit cards ....or save my money......( my savins will be gone in 3 more months] i have 100 thousand life insurance...

and so far only looks like i will owe only 5 thousand on my health insurance( unless this goe to next january.....

maybe sell my stuff now and pay off all my bills

maybe sell it and give wife the cash( but i really want to pay the people i owe) but not sure if dicover......american ..really care

real estate debt is 63000....on three homes

credit card is maybe 8 thousand

bank loan secured equpment loan at 16000

all 3 homes are on the same be hard to split up and deal with unknown neighbors;;;;also i would not own so much on the real estate...but borrowed twenty five thousand last september to pay off the IRS..

im just lookin for different points of view here

would a quick auction work better....or sell it off myself

lots of old stuff..but maybe 5 semies...two grain trailers....large shop of tools...dump truck and pup

hey its a life time of a truck guy stuff

many things that most peope cant even identify

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