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Our Cover Crop field day postponed 1 week because of Sandy
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Posted 10/28/2012 23:16 (#2666431)
Subject: Our Cover Crop field day postponed 1 week because of Sandy

As most of you are aware, Hurricane Sandy is bearing down on the Mid-Atlantic Region. Current tracking models have our farm near the expected path of the eye of the storm. Due to the potential for travel disruptions for speakers and attendees, as well as expected widespread power outages which could last into and beyond the originally scheduled Field Days, Oct 31 and Nov, we have decided to postpone the entire event for one week to Nov 7th and 8th. We have an amazing line-up of cover crop experts and relevant topics- some of the speakers will need to be substituted for those who cannot reschedule but the programming will remain the same,
Here is the link to the schedule:

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