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Ed Winkle, soil sample question...
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4 row cattle
Posted 10/22/2012 22:04 (#2655498)
Subject: Ed Winkle, soil sample question...

Northern Alabama
on really good ground going to corn behind soybeans. last years soil sample called for 1500 lbs. of lime, 74 units of Phosphorus, needed 0 potash, needed a few micro-nutrients. yield goal of 180. ok, we put our dry fertilizer and micro-nutrients on in front and ran the FC very shallow to incorporate, it was a mix that had 75 units of Phosphorus for soil maintenance. our planter was set up to put 10 gallons of 10-34-00 on 2-2. corn yielded 140 on this farm, not too bad for the year. this year, same farm soil sample says i need 61 units of Phosphorus for a 180 yield goal in corn. would'nt the 10 gallons of 10-34-00 be enough P for 140 bushel corn? why do i not have more P in the soil ? could it be tied up ? if tied up will it be available this year? long post ,i know.
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