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Weather event Coming at end of next week or so
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Posted 10/22/2012 00:18 (#2654070)
Subject: Weather event Coming at end of next week or so

30 Miles Northwest of Columbus Ohio

My subscribed weather service is forecasting a major weather event this coming week to next weekend or so. The plains will have summer heat with a changeover to winter cold. The Ohio Valley will have record high temperature at mid week & very cold with high winds (64 Knot) toward the end of the week, The East coast will have a possible hurricane with heavy snow (possibility of 1-2 feet) in the mountains of Pennsylvania, & New York. Throughout the plains, Georgia down to the tip of Texas 30 degree below normal temps.

He said this is a rare event to see all of this coming together and not sure of the timing or if these weather systems will meet at the same time.



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