| A simple guide is that when you add the temperature (F) and the relative humidity (%) values you will get the best drying efficiency when the total is less than 100. The time required to reach any given moisture content will vary with air flow rate per bushel which is influenced mainly by depth of the grain which increases resistance to flow (static pressure) with increasing depth. Normally the outside of the grain, nearest the wall, will get dry first and the core will remain moist. You will then need to core the bin and move the moist grain to another bin where it will need to be be leveled out to complete the drying of it. We all like to simplify whatever we do; but there is really no simple formula for this. When you throw in the changes in air values from day to night it really gets more complicated. Just stick with the basic idea I started with and check moistures a couple feet away from the wall and in the center every morning until the wall sample is dry. The core will be an inverted cone shaped mass of grain that may not be over a cart or two. If you continue until the core is dry, the whole bin will be overdried and you will lose a lot of weight. | |